
Friday, May 19th:
Elings Hall (CNSI) @ UCSB, Mesa Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93106
4:00pm - 5:00pm | Opening Remarks by Chair George Legrady and Panel Talk by Guest Reviewers
5:00pm - 9:00pm | MAT End of Year Show Exhibition: Re-habituation (Main Event)

Saturday, May 20th:
Location A: Elings Hall (CNSI) @ UCSB, Mesa Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93106
 9:00am - 12:00pm | Critique Sessions - Morning
12:00pm -  1:00pm | Lunch Break
  1:00pm -  4:00pm | Critique Sessions - Afternoon
Location B: Santa Barbara Center for Art, Science, and Technology (SBCAST) @ 513 Garden Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
  6:00pm -  7:50pm | Exhibition
  7:50pm -  9:30pm | Live Performance (line up below)

Line up on Saturday:

7:50pm - 8:10pm | F. Myles Sciotto
8:10pm - 8:30pm | Kurt Kaminski
8:30pm - 8:50pm | Hafiz Wan Rosli
8:50pm - 9:10pm | Prof. Curtis Roads
9:10pm - 9:30pm | Peter Edwards (casperelectronics)


The Media Arts and Technology (MAT) Program at University of California, Santa Barbara presents the 2017 End of Year Show: Re-habituation at the California NanoSystems Institute. Re-habituation encompasses work by over 50 artists and researchers from the MAT Program, AlloSphere Research Facility, Experimental Visualization Lab, Four Eyes Lab, MIRAGE Lab, Re Touch Lab, Systemics Lab, and transLAB.

The media and research works represent transdisciplinary subjects and span the areas of computational perception, computer vision, computer graphics & imaging, haptics, robotics, virtual reality, augmented reality, conceptual art, digital humanities, mechanics of touch, human-computer interaction, data visualization, generative sound, generative design, scientific visualization, field research, sensor networks, remote sensing, and experimental music. Visitors to the exhibition will have the opportunity to take a guided tour of the AlloSphere, the only immersive research instrument/lab of its kind in the world.

Re-habituation, the 2017 EoYS at MAT, confronts the challenge of refocusing critical attention on significant signals in an environment of increasing noise. Under challenging circumstances, it recovers lost habits of attention and discernment and proposes new forms of artistic expression and creative engagement.

Re-habituation centers on the critical and creative minds of the participating artists and inventors, and their abilities in reconfiguring themselves in response to the shifting territories of art, technology, and humanity. Departing from the existing frameworks of theories and ideologies, this diverse group - comprised of artists, engineers, musicians, architects, and computer scientists - is constantly developing new methods and tools to identify emerging territories, reclaim and reactivate lost routes, and instigate connections between timeless and future treasures. Living between the virtual and the actual, the real and the possible, this group delineates continua over binaries, constructing bridges over walls and borders.

Re-habituation, meaning “becoming refocused and reaccustomed,” stems etymologically from re- meaning “again," and from habitusand habeo— evoking habit (one’s patterns of behavior), habitat (one’s environment), having (a right to possess), and habeas corpus(one’s rights against unlawful detention). Our task is not only to work at the frontiers of knowledge— closing the divide between the unfamiliar and the familiar— but to nurture the roots, so that our endeavors are not simply buoyed by the spectacle of the novel, but born from the enduring— the ancient, the actual, and the human.

Admission is free for everyone!

Guest Speakers:
