Friday May 27, 5pm - 9pm
CNSI, Elings Hall - University of California, Santa Barbara
Please join us for our annual display of Master's and Doctoral student work in Media Arts and Technology. Come experience the Allosphere, interactive installations, live audio-visual performances and new media art.
Located in the California Nanosystems Institute, MAT is a transdisciplinary graduate program that fuses emergent media, computer science, engineering, electronic music and digital art research, practice, production, and theory.
WHITE NOISE - a noise containing all frequencies presented in equal proportion, represents all possibilities in equal likelihood. As this year's theme, it represents the blank canvas; it's the marble awaiting the sculptor to bring these possibilities to life. At MAT, our research is like white noise in that it contains "signals" from every field. As technologists and artists, we weave through this diverse research in novel ways, creating new works that transcend the present way we view the world. Our show is the product of this process, and we invite all to join us in its celebration.
Free Admission
Location One
University of California, Santa Barbara
Thursday May 26, 1pm - 4pm | Educational Outreach
To participate, please reserve a time slot. Space is limited. For all inquires, please email eoys2016 (at)
Friday May 27, 1pm - 4pm | Room 1605 | Opening Lecture and Panel Event
Friday May 27, 5pm - 9pm | End of Year Show Exhibition (Main Event)
Saturday May 28, 9am - 12pm, 1pm - 4pm | Critique Sessions
Location Two
513 Garden Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Saturday May 28, 6pm - 9pm | End of Year Show at SBCAST
Thursday June 2, 5:30pm - 10pm | End of Year Show "First Thursday" at SBCAST