Kio Griffith
2nd floor
algorithm counter is a "chance operation" machine formulating various matrices of words and language associations randomly arranged and contextualized by ascending and descending letters in flux. It is a language calculator, a stream of consciousness timer, and an interminable messaging billboard. The concept evolved from an idea of reading time and space by means of communication and translation. Translations are realized as cross-referential intertextualities of the Japanese katakana writing system, which is the stand-in phoneme for the roman alphabet and the actual roman alphabet. This work is also a process of shuffling information to find meaning. In a world of self journalism, in which documentation has become a daily activity of sharing texts and images, the general idea of "reading" has changed. Reinvention and newly invented languages, truncated communication techniques, the relative associations and the reading between the lines, faces, spaces and the air surrounding us - we continue to interrogate our positions.