Timothy Wood
2nd floor
kinetrope:roots explores a connection between the living forces within the body and the creation of lifelike forces within the virtual. How does the body’s movement leave traces of life, energy, sustenance in space? What does the presence of a virtual creature growing with our bodies offer to our imagination and senses, in the feedback processes of conscious movement? How can these creature’s life processes be designed in a way to support our own creative impulses in moving and healing? How can these dances, these duets, these choreographies be captured as artifacts, talismans, or objects of remembrance and ritual?
The imagination is a feedback soup of the senses painting new pictures of new sensations. What we imagine becomes real to our experience, opening new ways of being, moving, seeing, and knowing. In the process of moving and searching with the body, we discover sensations, feelings, thoughts, information, and memories. What can be learned while listening and imagining with the virtual kinetrope life forms? Do they support a new way of creating, seeing, feeling, and knowing through exploring movement with them? A record of this process, a trace of the ephemeral dance in growing, offers a crystallization of the experience, a world to be remembered, a world worth remembering.
kinetrope:roots is an interactive system that connects the body’s movement via motion tracking depth cameras to a virtual world of growing root-like plant creatures. The history of movement in the space accumulates and attracts the growth of kinetrope branches which are then captured and exported as a frozen choreography of 3D form ready to be fabricated.