Tim Wood, Mert Toka, Anshul Pendse, Diarmid Flatley, Alexis Crawshaw, Nathan Weitzner, Weidi Zhang, Xindy Kang, Mengyu Chen, Gustavo A. Rincon Jr, Aaron Anderson, Marcos Novak
2nd floor, room 2615
This collaborative project is an immersive ritual and interactive performance that pilots participants on a composed spatiotemporal journey through a system of imagined multisensorial other-worlds. The artists employ a range of cutting-edge platforms and displays including VR, AR, vibrotactile wearables, spatial audio, and a robotic chair, in order to extend participants’ sensoria to include somatosensation (through touch and kinaesthesis) as they explore the alien ambiances of each environment. Compositionally and thematically, this collection of worlds - a journey through the eclectic and composite mind of the transTEAM - explores ideas of liquid architectures, navigable music, worldmaking (in fact, fiction, and action), information aesthetics, the transvergence of poetics and rhetoric, and the thermodynamics of civilization.