Alexis Story Crawshaw
2nd floor
the bad news is that you previously missed the importance of this event is a series of imagined exhibition titles, generated in collaboration with a predictive keyboard through The predictive keyboard was fed a diet of the New Media Reader, aeronautical terminology, mathematical terminology, meteorological terminology, and a list of common animals. This semantic buffet was so curated to not only parody media art speak but to anticipate how a hypothetical, MAT-enmeshed David Bowie might source materials for the task of AI cut-up title- ogeny. The composition of the words was constrained by the suggestions of the keyboard, but also benefited from a degree of human selection - an effort to adhere to some English grammatical norms, to pepper the titles with some of the more singular terms within the dataset, and to maximize the comic effect. Through the multi-format presentation of the project, this work invites meditation onto how and where meaning and narrative arise between the creative process and artistic exhibition/interpretation.